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A happy purchaser of vol. 1 Inside the Yellow Submarine showing off their bonus prize! Our collection of Yellow Submarine and Beatles memorabilia stretches as far and wide as the Sea of Time!

What a lovely frame one of our readers in Norway has created for her bonus prize that accompanies the Hardback Collector’s Edition of It’s All In The Mind. Thank you for sharing, Rikke Stormoen! The original Heinz Edelmann test designs of the YS Beatles look great on your wall!

Chris in New Orleans shared with us, “I got this great Ringo Starr photo with my copy from Beatlefest catalog 2021.”

Another satisfied customer and winner of the weekly bonus prizes. Ava is modeling a bright orange “Blue Meanie” fishing hat and showing off her new Beatles pocket knife and trading cards. All for paying attention to the bonus offers before placing her order. Thanks Ava!
Another happy bonus prize winner, Mark in Kansas, shows us his new George Harrison action figure with Yellow Submarine from McFarlane toys that he won from us after ordering our new book. Mark says: “I really appreciate your generosity! Here is a picture of my modest Yellow Submarine collection with the new addition received today! Thank you. I purchased and read Inside the Yellow Submarine when first published. I’m pretty sure I ordered it from Amazon. I also have and read Up Periscope by Al Brodax. I first saw the Yellow Submarine motion picture in a local theater. It was first shown here in January 1969.

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